Gum cancer
What is it?
Gum cancer is a rare type of cancer that grows in the gums, usually appearing as discolored patches, excessive bleeding, and hardened/cracking gums. They may come in forms of tumors or malignant lesions. When diagnosed early in the stage, gum cancer is easy to treat.
How to differentiate gingivitis, periodontitis, and gum cancer
There are various types of diseases that occur in the gums and the 3 most prevalent ones include gingivitis, periodontitis, and gum cancer.
Gingivitis symptoms
a recently-formed infection in the gum line
tender and painful to touched
a severe form of gingivitis
forms after long period of untreated gingivitis
can spread to other areas in the jaw and enamel
Gum cancer
grows outwards on the surface of gums
red, white, or dark colored patches
occasional bleeding, cracking, or thickening in the gums
Though gingivitis and periodontitis are related to each other, it does not seem that gum disease cause gum cancer.
Methods of treatment
Gum cancer treatments consist of surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. The method of treatment differs based on the cancer's location, stage, and interference with teeth orientation.
There are two types of main surgeries: maxillectomy and mandibulectomy
Maxillectomy: surgery on the upper gum cancer, usually in the roof of the mouth.
Mandibulectomy: surgery on the lower gum cancer, usually around the jawbone or neck.
How do I prevent gum cancer?
avoid tobacco and alcohol
avoid exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light
have regular dental checkups
prevent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection with vaccine
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